Resource Hub

Welcome to Aria's Resource Hub. Here you will find thought leadership pieces about all things billing, recurring revenue and monetization.

Showing 31-45 of 205
Blog Customer Experience

Why Subscription Fatigue isn’t to Blame for your Churn Rate

Subscription fatigue is commonly understood to refer to the feelings of overwhelm and frustration that consumers may experience when managing multiple subscriptions, which can lead to them cancelling their subscriptions. When the topic is covered in the media, it is usually in relation to entertainment streaming platforms, but it can also apply to a range of other services, including FMCG, and there is anecdotal evidence that subscription fatigue exists in the B2B world too.  

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Blog Communications

Existing Billing and Back Office Systems Cannot Support New Telco Strategies – It’s Time for a Transformation

CSPs around the world are on a journey toward digitization. They are transforming their businesses to decrease their reliance on commoditized connectivity as the main driver of revenue and to pursue opportunities to introduce new products and services to consumer and enterprise subscribers. In recent years, they have made massive investments to build programmable 5G networks. Now is the time to recoup.

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